

Well well well. Yesterday my little brother-in-law and I took a snowshoe trip around the property that we're staying on. It was really quite nice, and I found some parts I hadn't know about before, including a really nice and snowy meadow. I didn't take any pictures, but I'm sure that Caitlin and I will set out that way soon and I'll be sure to get some that time.

I did get some pictures of the house and such...

The house, with Elinor being too upset about the snow to pay any attention to it, or to the fact that she has dropped one of her mittens!

Here is the driveway, which is the view that you look at all day from the kitchen/dining area...

Here is that front view, without the trees...

Here is the back area, we showshoed up through those trees...

Anyway, we still love it up there. I feel very relaxed and at home there and when we drop by our house, it sure seems very small. Delightful yes, and like home, but still very small. Also, it has been snowing for the last 10 hours or so. Probably 8 inches are on the ground. It is very very nice.


Cate said...

Love your blog pix and reading about your winter life adventures!
I would love to send you some Hearty Winter Granola treats! You could use the energy treaking around n all! Check out my Blog Healthybakesbycatherine.blogspot.com or Reiterlandscaping.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

Sure looks beautiful ...